Friday, December 11, 2009

what should be included in a social media marketing class?

This is an interesting post about what should be taught in a Social Media Marketing class. Be sure to read the comments as well. Thanks to Theresa Flaherty for forwarding this.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Connectbeam and employee communication

Connectbeam's "stated goal is to establish the enterprise social network through the integration of employees' user-generated content." (Wikipedia) Thanks to the "Social Marketers" team for bringing this to my attention (Jazmin Reid, Joy Jenkins, Benjamin Clos, Nicholas Yantko)

B2B and credibility, expertise, and thought leadership

Both of these posts address the use of social media to establish credibility, expertise, and thought leadership in a B2B environment --

Tips for tweeting

These are some interesting tips pertaining to Twitter --

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Apple doesn't do much social media

I guess you don't have to do social media to be successful. According to this post, Apple doesn't! Thanks to Edit Busija for forwarding this.

Monday, December 7, 2009

The video story of one of Coca-Cola's fan pages

Check out how two guys became Coca-Cola sensations. You will have to view the advertisement on the front end before you get to the actual video.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Social media pushing online traffic?

This post claims that "... social networks are, indeed, pushing about 10% of the total US online traffic ..." Few details are given.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Social media within the organization

This article talks about a couple of social media venues that facilitate communication within organizations --

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Big Money Twitter 12

This is a list of 12 companies that are doing a good job of using Twitter to promote themselves.

The Big Money Facebook 50

This is a list of 50 companies that are doing a good job of using Facebook to promote themselves.

Using Market Tools' as a data source

This whitepaper from Market Tools explains how their techniques can add to the reliability of market research.

Naked Pizza and a primer on social media for business

This is an excellent primer on how businesses, especially small businesses, can use Twitter and other social media venues.

Auto Dealers use B2B social media

It looks like auto dealers are using social media to communicate with one another in a business-to-business context.