Thursday, February 25, 2010

Facebook Groups vs. Facebook Fan Pages

This is a good post that compares Facebook Groups with Facebook Fan Pages and provides insight into which might be best for your specific needs:

Social Media Monitoring

This site contains great information on the monitoring of social media results:

B2B social media blog

This multi-author blog does a good job of addressing social media in a B2B environment:

Graco uses social media to recall a product

Check out this Christian Science Monitor article to see how Graco used social media to help recall its strollers:

Facebook's guidelines for sweepstakes, contests, competitions, etc.

Facebook has developed a set of guidelines that address the area of "promotions," which focus primarily on such things as sweepstakes, contests, and competitions.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Excellent social media examples

Here are some excellent examples of how companies use social media:

Traveler's Survey on social media in the workplace

This Travelers Insurance survey indicates that two-thirds companies either do not have a socila media policy in place, or do not have a social media policy that their employees know about.

Social media and banking

This blog post talks about social media's use in the financial services industry:

Social media for healthcare & financial services

This blog post identifies some social media venues for healthcare & financial services firms.

Friday, February 5, 2010

A "Tweet" plan?

Here's an interesting idea ... a "Tweet" plan:

How Dunkin' Donuts uses fan photos

This is an interesting post about Dunkin' Donuts' use of fan photos:

Bloggng trends

Interesting post on trends in blogging:

How to listen with Twitter

This is a good overview of how to follow comments about your product, service, or company on Tiwtter:

Social media & story telling

This is an interesting post on using social media to tell customers' stories:

IBM's social media guidelines

IBM's social media guidelines:

"Millenials" use of social media

Here is some interesting data on "millenials" use of various forms of social media:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Company social media policies

According to this post, most companies don't have a social media policy ... perhaps they need one?