Sunday, April 29, 2012

"The future of shopping" from the 2010 annual summit

This is a cool video on "the future of shopping" from the 2010 annual summit

Women use social media more than men

At last, data to support what most of us already suspected ... women use social media more than men.

Preference for those who have a strong social media presence?

It looks like some companies may give preference to potential employees who have a strong presence on social media. Interestingly, this post also indicates "casinos are using it to decide who gets the coolest freebies, on the assumption that Players with high scores will use their SM influence to send more business the casino’s way."

Saturday, April 21, 2012

What you put on Facebook can get you arrested!

What you put on Facebook can get you arrested! Read this Mashable post for more information:

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Monday, April 16, 2012

More on augmented reality

This video does a great job of showing how augmented reality may work in the future. Thanks to Bryn Turner for sharing!

Bryn Turner's Prezi presentations on how to use social media to build and maintain your career

Bryn Turner, one of my ex-students, has provided two OUTSTANDING Prezi presentations on how to use social media to build and maintain your career (see below).

You know that you are doing well when your professors brag that you were once in their class!!!

Way to go, Bryn!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Interesting post on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) from the Marketing Tech blog

This is an interesting post on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) from the Marketing Tech blog.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Guidelines pertaining to how a landing page should look

This is a great set of guidelines pertaining to how a landing page should look!
Thanks to Theresa Bilitski Clarke at James Madison University for calling this to my attention through her MKT 470 (JMU) Facebook page.