Monday, June 24, 2013

A link from Jason Falls on how to get the most from your location-based marketing

Thanks to Jason Falls for posting this link about how to get the most from your location-based marketing to his Facebook and LinkedIn profiles.

Jason Falls on why marketers get social media wrong

This is a great Social Media Explorer post from Jason Falls about why marketers get social media wrong.

Friday, June 21, 2013

LoyaltyLab blog post - Return on Relationship™

As this LoyaltyLab blog post suggests Return on Relationship™ is important.  However, in my opinion, someone is going to have to find an effective way to quantify it before it will reach its true potential.

The changing market for consumer package goods

This is an important article from the Harvard Business Review blog network about the changing market for consumer package goods:

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

University of Florida Master's degree in Social Media

The University of Florida is, apparently, offering a Master's degree in Social Media through its journalism and communications prgram --

Monday, June 3, 2013

Satistics from Mary Meeker on the state of the web

These are great statistics from Mary Meeker on the state of the web.  Thanks to Nick Huhn for posting this to his Facebook timeline.