Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Interesting stats on social media and the news

Thanks to Louanne Young for forwarding this interesting post on social media and the news. It also contains some good stats about social media usage.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The FDA and social media

The FDA, like the FTC, is preparing to establish guidelines about using social media for promotional purposes (for products under its purview) --

This is how Ford does it

This is a good blog post on how Ford utilizes social media in its promotional efforts --

Integrating social media with the rest of the promotion mix

This is an interesting article about integrating social media with the rest of the promotion mix, as opposed to treating it as a stand-alone vehicle --

How to get re-tweeted on Twitter

This is an interesting article from Fast Company on how to get re-tweeted on Twitter --

Monday, September 21, 2009

Ford, Papa Johns, Levi Strauss & Chevron use social media in their promotion mixes

This Courier Journal article addresses how Ford, Papa Johns, Levi Strauss, and Chevron are incorporting social media into their promotion mixes --

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

Men vs. women on social media

This post provides some interesting insights about how people use social media, including gender deifferences --

This is an interesting quote from the article:

"Corporate marketers by and large struggle with how to use social networking sites to reach potential customers ... The problem is that execs think of online social networks as social media and treat it as another channel to get people to click through to a site ... To be successful, you need to shift your mindset from social media to social strategy."