Monday, April 27, 2009

Zappos delivers the WOW

Thanks to Dr. Edie Busija for forwarding this article about Zappos and its corporate culture.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Whitepapers on using Twitter and SEO

Thanks to Sarah Wells for forwarding this link. It provides great resources on using Twitter for business and search engine optimization (SEO).

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Pizza Hut "Twitern"

Pizza Hut is looking for a "Twintern" to be "the company's 'voice' on Twitter and [help] to guide its presence on other social media."

Monday, April 20, 2009

The consumer psychology behind what works online

This slideshow by Stephen Anderson addresses some of the consumer psychology that underpins what is currently working online. Thanks to Dave Knox at Hard Knox Life for linking to it.

Twitter is now 10,000,000 strong

Twitter now has 10 million members. Interestingly, those 55-64 years old are just as likely to use Twitter as those 18-24 years old.

Thanks to Dave Knox at Hard Knox Life for linking to this blog --

Facebook has 200,000,000 members!

In his Hard Knox Life blog, Dave Knox points out that, if Facebook were a country, its 200 million members would make it the 5th largest country in the world.

NPR blog post on Twitter as a news source

Thanks to Fred Miller for forwarding this NPR blog post on Twitter as a news source --

Friday, April 17, 2009

Follow-up to "Dominos disaster" post below

This Ad Age article is a nice follow-up to the "Dominos disaster" post below --

Understanding more about Twitter

If you're having trouble understanding what Twitter is, why anyone would want to use it, or how your organization can benefit from it, check out this NY Times article. Thanks to Steve Gohmann for sending this link.

Another Unilever and social media post

This is another post on Unilever's use of social media. Notice Ad Age's "Five new rules for marketing" near the end of the post.

Hiring a social media officer

This blog post talks about Comodo's social media officer position.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Dominos disaster

As this video shows, employees can definitely damage their employers --

Monday, April 13, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Facebook's advertising model

Facebook is in the advertising business. This Business Week article provides a great deal of useful information about Facebook, its plans, and its business model.

Interesting quote -- "But there is a real imbalance right now: Between something like 28% to 29% of people's time is spent online, but only 8% to 10% of the dollars are spent online. So there is this migration of ad dollars from other places going online."

When someone trashes you online ...

This blog post provides some guidelines for responding to negative comments others may make about you or your company --

Empowered women use social media

This blog post indicates that empowered women tend to use social media more than the general public. According to the post, "Empowered women -- or those ages 25-54 who feel that the Internet helps them manage their family life -- are highly influential as household decision-makers as well as among their peers. From entertainment to electronics, empowered women are much more likely to be asked by friends for product recommendations."

The NBA and social media

This blog post talks about how the NBA is incorporating the use of social media into its promotional efforts --

Andy Sernovitz talks about Bacon Salt and social media

Andy Sernovitz presents an concise but excellent case study on how a company called Bacon Salt used social media to tap into a heavy-user market --

Social media and Moldova's revolution

This blog post talks about social media's role in Moldova's revolution --

Unilever and social media

This article talks about Unilever and one-way vs. two-way communication --

Thursday, April 9, 2009

DiGiornio leverages Twitter

Kraft Foods practices a form of event marketing by giving away its products at "Tweetups." The hope seems to be that Twitterers will Tweet about the product at the Tweetup.

A critique of Qwest's social media efforts

This critique of Qwest's social media efforts may shine light on desirable and undesirable practices:

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Twitter demographic trends

Thanks to Gale Hawkins for forwarding this blog post about Twitter and Twitter demographics:

Friday, April 3, 2009

"Product seeding" and the FTC

The Federal Trade Commission is considering guidelines that would hold companies responsible for what bloggers say about their products if they have provided product samples to the bloggers. Thanks to Gale Hawkins at for sending me the link!

Social media jobs

Here are some interesting links for those interested in social media jobs/careers. They come through Jeremiah Owyang's blog --

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Monitoring online conversations

Check out this blog post for tips on monitoring online conversations --

Legos, engagement segmentation, & social media

This blog post describes how Legos segments customers based on level of engagement and ties its social media strategy to the segmentation scheme.

Twitter for business

Thanks to Sarah Wells for forwarding me the link to this short, free, downloadable, book/document on Twitter for business. Cool!